Sunday, May 26, 2013
Painting drive their own hands
To make your car look bright and different from other machines, you should paint the car drives. After all, we all dream though slightly different from the others. Painted wheels make your car and deliver it to a spectacular brightness on the road. This procedure is very simple, with which everyone can handle. However, the painting of discs requires detailed and careful preparation. The most important thing - to do everything carefully and patiently. Painted wheels better than most, because: you do what you want and like to save as much money, approximately three times. Moreover, having painted wheels of your car yourself, you learn something new. Initially, you need to buy all the materials for painting. They can be purchased at any hardware store. You will need: - two cans of primer - paint four cans - primer - sand paper, (small, medium and coarse) of each of two rolls - three cans of paint - the solvent is a balloon - foil 2 square meters. meter. Film must purchase in order to lay a place to work. Because it could kick up dust, which will ruin your mask and paint. We add that it is very important to acquire materials of one firm to avoid not overlapping, ie rejection of materials. If the primer is light, it drives better than to paint it black, and if the primer is dark, then it is better wheels painted in bright colors. Proceed to prepare disks for painting. Take the wheels, wash them with all the dirt and clean the sandpaper. First, coarse sandpaper, then medium, then fine, make sure you get the perfect surface. Next, thoroughly wash your wheels and degrease them with solvent. Put them in the place prepared for painting. Before we get down to business, cans with primer and paint should be slightly warmed, for example, put them not in direct sunlight. This must be done to perfect the materials lay on the surface of the disc. Now the wheels have to be primed. Apply a thin layer of primer is needed, with an estimated distance of 30 cm, and in the process to move along the radius of the disks. You must then wait 5 minutes, until the primer is not seized, and leave the discs around day dry out completely. After drying, it should be with water and sandpaper to remove any remaining roughness. Everything should work out perfectly straight. Next you can begin to paint discs. In the last stage is painted. You need to repeat the same steps that you did in the previous stage, only this time with paint. Painted wheels should be at intervals of five minutes and apply a thin layer. After the paint dries, drives to lacquering. This should be done at a distance of 40 centimeters. Now, wait an hour to paint dry. Well, perhaps all, painting drive your car over. After painting, disks must be insisted about a week, and then you can safely use the machine. The whole process will cost you $ 35 in car repair, this painting would have cost you $ 150.